Friday 5:30 P.M.-10 P.M., Saturday 8:30 A.M.-7 P.M. for students grades 6-12 at Bethlehem Baptist Church! Transportation from Concord to Bethlehem will be provided
Friday 5:30 P.M.-10 P.M., Saturday 8:30 A.M.-7 P.M. for students grades 6-12 at Bethlehem Baptist Church! Transportation from Concord to Bethlehem will be provided
Games for kids will start at 3:30 P.M. followed by the stew around 5 P.M.
Culmination activity for kids will be the fun Trunk or Treat!!!
We will be making a fall craft while enjoying fall foods and drinks. The cost per person is $10.
Rick Gage area crusade from September 29-October 2 in Farmville at the Old Carbone Building.
Services will begin at 7 P.M.
There will be a “Share Your Blessings” (talent) program following an ice cream social.
The sign-up sheet for the program is in the vestibule
WMU will host a Ladies’ Night Out on Tuesday, August 27th at 5:30 P.M. at Merk’s Restaurant in Farmville. Guest speaker will be Megan Ford representing Glory Reigns Ranch. All ladies of Concord Baptist Church are invited. Prizes will follow dinner and dessert. Sign-up sheet will be in the vestibule. Please sign up by August 11th.
Join us on Tuesday evenings at 7 PM for special prayer meetings leading up to our coming national election and also the upcoming area evangelistic crusade.
We will have the Christmas musical-drama, “Seekers of the Light” at the Focus Center
The Youth are sponsoring a Fall Student Carnival with Maysville and Bethlehem Baptist Churches at Maysville Baptist Church on Saturday November 4th from 12:00 PM- 5 P.M. All students in grades 6-12 are invited. Please contact Randy Biggers for more details.
Concord Fall Fellowship will be held on October 28th at 4 PM with fun for the kids (bouncy house, and games) followed up by our Homemade Brunswick Stew and other goodies. After dinner we will have the Trunk or Treat at the Focus Center Parking Lot. Kids, make sure you bring your costumes and your treat bags.
There will be an ice-cream social and program for Vision Virginia State Missions Collections on Sunday, September 17th at 5:30 PM. CBC Goal is $1,500 plus.
VBS is this week, beginning Monday and going through Thursday 6-7:30 PM..
Annual Pig Pickin’ Fellowship at the Recreation Field and Pavilion will be held on May 27th.
Concord will hold an Outdoor Worship Service on Sunday, May 21st at 10:30 A.M. at the church’s recreation field area. There will be a cookout to follow. (Bring a chair)
We will hold a special Resurrection Day Service at the Focus Center at 10:30 A.M. There will be NO Sunday School on that day; however, we will have a light breakfast beginning at 9:15 A.M. that morning.
Liberty University’s King’ Players will present an evangelical program of drama and music at the FOCUS Center. (Free Admission)
There will be a hot dog dinner and Easter egg hunt at the Rec. Field Friday, March 31st at 5:30. Small items to fill the eggs can be given to Becky Beasley.
Discipleship NOW 2023 is coming to Concord Baptist Church!
Christmas Day Worship Service will be held @10:30 AM in the church sanctuary. There will be no other activities that day.
Christmas Eve Service will be in the church sanctuary at 5 PM.
Christmas Dinner and Program are scheduled for December 4th. Dinner (ticket needed) at 5 P.M. and Program (no ticket needed) at 6 P.M.
LADIES SOUP AND SALAD NIGHT on Friday, November 18th, from 6 to 8 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Come out for a time of food, fellowship, games and teaching. All ladies are invited. Please sign up in the foyer. See Alethea Stringfellow for more info.
Children’s games start at 3:30 PM.
Brunswick stew will be served around 5 - 5:30 PM.
The Trunk or Treat will commence after the dinner, around 6:30 PM.
WMU will host a “Ladies Night Out” at Merk’s in Farmville on Monday, August 22 at 6pm. All ladies are invited. There will be a sign up list in the church vestibule.
We will be celebrating Homecoming 2022 on Sunday, August 14th. We are excited to announce that Reverend Chris Bear, our former Student Minister, will be bringing the morning message that day.
We will have a special fellowship lunch on Sunday, July 3rd, to celebrate our nation’s birthday. It will be a salad lunch with the fixings. Please join us after the worship service on that day.